
Update and Announcement

Hi, all!

It’s been FOREVER! I am so sorry about the long break. I don’t even know if anyone will be reading this…haha.

So what has been going on in my life these past several months? I prefer not to discuss details, but my family has been through some very difficult times these past few months. I have been going through craziness. Nevertheless, God is good.

In other news, the time off has given me time to reflect and decide that I would like to start another blog! It will be primarily a writing blog. Here’s the first post!  https://twothousandwordsblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/05/blue-dreams/

I will still occasionally post in this blog because dance is always a part of my life, but I plan on this new blog being my main creative writing outlet.

Thanks to anyone who is reading this for sticking around! See you around the new blog!

❤ McKinnlee

Check out the new blog here: https://twothousandwordsblog.wordpress.com/



Hi, all!

Back to the goals! I am beginning the process to get myself in the best shape mentally and physically for Nutcracker. That’s the main focus of my goals the week.

Goal #1 (Health Goal)

Workouts and Water. I’m challenging myself to drink 8 glasses of water everyday this week. I rarely drink enough water but I know that when I do, I tend to not crave junk food as much. Also, I need to implement some more cardio workouts into my routine to build stamina.

Goal #2 (Creative Goal)

Write one thing. Nothing assigned or prompted. Just one random short story or poem for myself.

Goal #3 (Spiritual Goal)

Words of Wisdom. I’m trying to listen to more sermons. Something I’ve realized about myself this year is that I learn better audibly.

Goal #4 (Dance Goal)

Work Harder. I need to stop being lazy and start attacking things. I want to stop comparing myself to others and just work harder to be the best I can be.

Goal #5 (Fun Goal)

Winter Wonderland. I want to take sometime this week to just put on a pair of fuzzy socks, grab a cup of tea, and watch a Hallmark Christmas movie.


❤ McKinnlee



One Year Blogiversary

Hey, Everyone!

I’m taking a break from goals this week and just doing a fun post because it’s my one year Blogiversary! Thanks WordPress for the notification!

Here are five random facts about me!

Something I can’t stand:

Mayo. So disgusting.

Favorite way to spend free time:

Reading with a cup of coffee somewhere pretty.

Describe the perfect day:

Waking up around 8. Bible and Prayer. Quickly getting ready, going on a walk, and grabbing a smoothie or juice. Reading a book through the morning, then grabbing lunch and heading to some kind of dance class. After freshening up post-class, heading to dinner and a movie with some friends. Coming home, and writing for an hour or so to clear my mind, then going to sleep.

Favorite part of dancing:

When I get that moment of clarity in the middle of movement. Thoughts like , “I can actually do this well!” or, “I could dance forever,” Keep me going.

Random item on my bucket list:

See the Northern Lights. I’d love to see these one day!


Talk to you guys later!


❤ McKinnlee





Why are our whole lives spent preparing for nothing more than a means to survive? We get good grades, because it’s what we’re “supposed” to do. We go to a good college, because we’re told we have to. We eventually find a “temporary” job that becomes our entire existence, just to earn enough to pay the bills. Then we retire. Then we die.

This is the routine of life. This is why we are failing. We settle for mediocre. No one thinks for them selves, because no one educates them selves. The gift of free knowledge is handed to us on a silver platter thanks to the internet, but we pass it up everyday to check our Instagrams. Since knowledge is so readily available, it is worthless.

What should we do?

We should stop memorizing facts for grades and start learning. We should be thinking creatively and critically, not mechanically. We should stop looking at education as an obligation. It is a gift. 150 years ago, 20% of the US population was illiterate. We are so blessed to be handed our educations. We need to use them, not lose them.

We should realize that college is no longer the only path to a successful life. If we actually learn life skills during the high school years, we don’t need to spend $30,000 on a degree that we won’t end up using anyway. We don’t need to be paying off student loan debt until we retire. If we were smart, we would look at what we want to do, evaluate whether that career is worth 4 years of our time and money out of our paychecks in the future. Some careers don’t even require college degrees, and the sooner we realize that, the better off our futures and our children’s futures will be.

We should look beyond mediocre jobs and chase after our dreams. What happened to making the world a better place? What happened to glorifying God with our lives? When are we going to realize that life is more than money? Life has both love and hurt, freedom and suffering, pain and beauty. We know this, so we should stop playing it safe. Our dreams should drive our lives. Not our paychecks.

All this generation cares about is themselves. They care nothing for each other. They just spit out what they’ve been told like robots and do nothing to improve the world around them.

As each generation deteriorates more than the last, for some reason, hope is still burning brightly. Why? Because in every generation of losers, there are world changers. The young people that look up, see the mess around them, and care enough to do something about it.


Back On Track

Last week’s goals:


Goal #1 (Health Goal)

Morning routine. (B)

I was sick for like two days, but I really have been sticking with my routine pretty well!

Goal #2 (Creative Goal)

Sticking with NaNoWriMo. (D-)

Yikes. Being sick really drained me of motivation to write, so I only did this for about two days.

Goal #3 (Spiritual Goal)

Read everyday. (A-)

I’m pretty sure I only missed one day being sick!

Goal #4 (Dance Goal)

Extensions. (B-)

I did full-stretching routines after class for about 2 days I think, and I think I’m seeing improvements. I want to keep it up.

Goal #5 (Fun Goal)

Christmas Music. (A+)

It’s not like this was very difficult. 😛




I really want to get back on track this week after being sick. I have a full week of rehearsals and classes and work and school. BLAH.

Goal #1 (Health Goal)

Morning + Night.

I did pretty well with this morning routine thing, but I want to add a night time routine, which will include a cup of tea (ginger is my favorite), a nighttime magnesium supplement, stretching (whether that is some simple yoga, or a full routine to push myself), and sitting down to my computer to write something.

Goal #2 (Creative Goal)


I have a chance to choreograph for a small group of middle school kids this spring, but I want to start playing around with ideas now to flex my choreographic muscles.

Goal #3 (Spiritual Goal)


I want to stick with my reading everyday, but I want to be a “do-er” this week. If God presents me an opportunity to serve Him outside of my comfort zone this week, I want to jump at it without hesitation. I want to let go of fleshly desires and walk in the spirit this week with my actions, not just my words.

Goal #4 (Dance Goal)


I want to push to have consistent triple pirouettes this week. I usually have a few triples per class on my right side, rarely ever on my left. I want to work just turning without hesitation and pushing for those triples on the left.

Goal #5 (Fun Goal)


I want grab a coffee this week and just enjoy the moment. Whether I’m with friends or by myself with a book and some Josh Groban Christmas music, I know it’ll be a nice break during this busy week.


What are your goals? Comment below!


❤ McKinnlee





Goal #1 (Health Goal)

No gluten, yes yoga. (D)

Ugh, did not do very well with this one. I stayed off of gluten for the most part, but then it was my brother’s birthday on Thursday, so we ate a bunch of junk over the weekend.

Goal #2 (Creative Goal)

NaNoWriMo. (C+)

Well, I didn’t exactly do what I intended to do, but I definitely thought about my plot some more, and I was able to come up with a clear way to start my novel. (Which I did yesterday!)

Goal #3 (Spiritual Goal)

Bedtime Prayers. (C-)

I actively thought of this and completed it once. So, yeah.

Goal #4 (Dance Goal)

Balances. (A-)

I worked on this a lot, and I am seeing significant improvements in my balances!

Goal #5 (Fun Goal)

Movie night. (A)

Well, I didn’t get to do this with my mom, but my aunt was in town, so we watched a movie.




So starting off with a blank slate, here are my goals for this week.


Goal #1 (Health Goal)

Morning routine.

I want to get in the routine of having focusing on my health in the mornings. I want to make sure that I have a smoothie every morning and get back on with the exercise routine I was doing during the summer.(100 crunches, 100 leg lifts, 100 releve’s)

Goal #2 (Creative Goal)

Sticking with NaNoWriMo.

I’m doing a modified version of NaNoWriMo, by the way. I’m a very slow writer, so I’m going with 500 words a day. My main goal is just writing everyday.

Goal #3 (Spiritual Goal)

Read everyday.

I’m going through the book of Luke right now, and I’m trying to read a chapter everyday.

Goal #4 (Dance Goal)


I have decent extensions, but I really want to work on pushing them this week. Bonus: If I can stretch every night after I have class, that’d be awesome:)

Goal #5 (Fun Goal)

Christmas Music.

Yeah, I know it’s early. But that Michael Buble Christmas album is staring me in the face.


Have a great week everyone! Let me know your goals in the comments!


❤ McKinnlee





Time Management

Hi, Everyone!

It’s been a little while since I’ve posted, and that is mostly due to business and disorganization. The low down is: I want to be more organized. So taking a cue from one of my favorite bloggers, CurrentlyKelli, I’m going to start keeping track of my weekly goals!

Goal #1 (Health Goal)

No gluten, yes yoga. My main health goal this week is to completely avoid gluten. I am dancing everyday this week except for Friday, so I also want to do a little yoga/stretching that day to eliminate soreness.

Goal #2 (Creative Goal)

NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month is right around the corner. I had my outline mostly done, but then this crazy idea popped into my head that I need to work into the plot.

Goal #3 (Spiritual Goal)

Bedtime Prayers. It’s usually pretty easy for me to remember to pray when I wake up, but after a long day,  I often forget to before I go to bed. It also helps me sleep better, which I’ve also been having issues with.

Goal #4 (Dance Goal)

Balances. I’ve always had trouble with balancing (it’s almost a mental block for me) and I really want to push past that this week. I’m going to focus on using the correct muscles, and not quitting in the middle of the balance.

Goal #5 (Fun Goal)

Movie night. I’ve been wanting to just have an at home movie night with my mom and my sister for a long time. I’m shooting for Saturday on this one.


What are your goals this week? Comment below!


❤ McKinnlee



Fall Quotes from Classic Literature

 “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. It would be terrible if we just skipped from September to November, wouldn’t it?”

-L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables


“You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintery light. But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen.”

-Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast


I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.”

-Henry David Thoreau


“Aprils have never meant much to me, autumns seem that season of beginning, spring.”

-Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany’s


❤ McKinnlee


The Great Divide

imageHate wants to kill you. Hate is sneaking in through the door of anger the you have let swing open in your heart. Blame welcomes the hate in. Then, hate destroys you.

Hate wants to tear apart the world. Infuriation planted strategically by superiors invites hate to widen the creek of uncertainty into a river of humanity’s blood. We choose a side based on our preferences and begin the war by forgetting ourselves. Our allowance of hate brings us to forget our love for our neighbors. We thirst desperately for someone to blame. When hate points its ugly finger, we don’t question. We obey.

At first, the hate doesn’t seem to control us. We justify it by self righteousness. We push it to the side. But hate multiplies within us until we can no longer contain it. It controls our lives and turns us into a people we are not. Hate drives a wedge between our mind and our heart, as we blindly ignore the reality of the selfish decisions our hearts keep making.

The war rages inside of ourselves. Our individual wars spill over, and we war with each other. We blame each other. We forget ourselves. But it’s okay, we say. It’s justified anger.

Hate becomes our master, and the moment we realize we are no longer in control, we want out. The deal we made with hate now seems remarkably naïve. But hate won’t let us break the deal without a consequence. We dig deep, searching for our old selves, but we come up empty.

When we’re all on our faces in the dirt, begging for a glimpse of a world before hate, a drop of rain falls into our hearts. The first drop strikes a chord within us. We search our hearts for the word from which the drop came. We cry out in pain, wanting that word back with everything in us. What is it? What is it?

Another drop falls, and this time, the chord strikes louder. Love. Love is the word. The answer. The gift of a Savior.

The flood of sound comes rushing back into our hearts as we realize our hate. We try to remove the hate on our own, but it is printed across our hearts in permanent ink. The dark ink begins to grow and engulf our lungs in guilt.

“Oh, God forgive me!”We cry.
“Take my heart, take my hate. Give me love! ”

A different kind of flood begins to engulf us. It is light, like air and sun. It washes us, cleanses us from the scars of hate and allows our minds to be clear once again. The feeling is overwhelming, yet peaceful. Love is quiet.

We look up, and realize the others around us have felt what we feel. We look across the great river dividing us from the ones we used to blame for our own sins and shortcomings. They look back us with a mutual understanding.

The tears of light and love come to our eyes. We run towards each other, forgetting the river. We set our eyes on Love, and we don’t look back. The river pulls us, but when we reach each other, it dissolves.

“Love.” We exclaim to ourselves in quiet wonder.

Loves heals. Hate divides. It’s that simple.